Sunday, April 24, 2011

I'm famous! ...ok, not really

I feel that I've been somewhat disconnected from the online world for the past couple of weeks because my computer has been out of commission since the power adaptor died. Rylie got a little chewy several months ago and took it out on the cord, but Jarrod had been able to splice it back together so it was working. Then all of the sudden, it just stopped. I ordered a new cord and there were some issues with the order and it never went through. So now, Jarrod took another stab at it and got it working again, so I'm back online! Not that I've been totally out of the loop since I have my iphone, but things like blogging become a bit more difficult without a computer.

Anyways, it's been a very busy past week. Following the tornadoes that devastated the area last week, I've been working non-stop. I hesitate to use the word "exciting" to describe the last week, because that sounds like I'm taking joy out of other people's suffering, but it's hard to find another word to describe what it was like to be a part of the storm coverage. We've had big stories in the area over my years in news, but nothing has quite compared to this. It is definitely an experience I will never forget and hopefully all of our hard work has helped the victims of the storm get the information they need.

Well, in the midst of the coverage, I had another unique experience this week. Last Tuesday, I was at the desk around 6:30am when I get a call from G105's Bob and the Showgram asking if they can talk to me on air. Not really knowing what else to do, I said OK. Of course they called the station to poke fun of the fact that our station is the only one in the market without a helicopter and wanted to know if we were using hot air balloons to get our aerial coverage. What else can you do besides laugh with them?

Here's the segment of the show. They start on about it around the 3:15 mark.

Right after I got off the phone I heard from a couple of people that I know who heard me on the radio. They said I didn't sound too idiotic, so that's always good.

Then about an hour and a half later, I got a call back from Bob and the gang. This time, they said they wanted me to spread around the name Tornado TAZ. In this one, they get on the subject around the 2:00 mark.

So apparently I'm so entertaining that the Showgram called me back on Thursday. Also, Bob said he wanted to apologize for his inappropriate comments. I actually got a call from Weird Creepy Jon beforehand to give me a heads up this time and against my better judgement I said alright again. This one hits about the 1:45 mark.

So there's my 15 minutes of radio fame. I figure if nothing else, it makes for a good story.

1 comment:

  1. woah! sounds great! I've yet to experience the 15 minutes of fame.. haha

    found the route
